So it’s Wednesday morning around 9:55AM. The weather is overcast. I am walking to Dedman minding my own business, wearing my Ray Bahns when I hear a girl’s voice.
“Bright outside Barry?”
Wow, I’m an idiot, I forgot that sunglasses are inappropriate to wear when the sun is not shining. But then I got to thinking: I wear sunglasses at parties indoors and it isn’t inappropriate. Corey Hart wears sunglasses at night. What are the official rules on sunglass wearing? I did some googling and found zero results for official rules so I took matters into my own hands and drafted a few rules on when sunglasses are/aren’t appropriate.
Sunglasses are appropriate under the following conditions (according to Barry):
· When the sun is out (obviously)
· When it is snowy
· Whilst riding a motorcycle
· Whilst driving a boat
· Whilst wearing a costume that requires it (risky business, soulja boy, etc.)
· When you are trying to pull off the “too cool for school” look
· Prom only if you are wearing a suit or shirt that is NOT black
· If your name is Jake or Elwood Blues
· If you are a celebrity
As a general rule (again according to Barry) any other time it is INAPPROPRIATE to wear sunglasses.
Thoughts, objections, suggestions, or comments?